⸻ About GEBOC

Mission Statement

The Ghana Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Club (GEBOC) is dedicated to unifying entrepreneurs and business owners across Ghana's private sector. Our mission is to forge a powerful collective that wields influence over policy-making, fosters effective business structuring, empowers through capacity building, and attracts sustainable funding. Through collaboration, advocacy, education, and strategic networking, GEBOC seeks to propel Ghana's private sector towards sustainable growth and lasting impact.

⸻ About GEBOC

Executive Summary

The Ghana Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Club (GEBOC) stands as a visionary initiative aimed at uniting entrepreneurs and business owners in Ghana's private sector. GEBOC is committed to building a cohesive community that leverages collective strength to enact policy changes, enhance business structures, drive capacity building, and secure sustainable funding for members. By offering a platform for collaboration, advocacy, skill development, and strategic partnerships, GEBOC aims to drive Ghana's private sector towards a future of sustainable growth and prosperity.

⸻ About GEBOC


Ghana's private sector is a linchpin of economic development, contributing substantially to job creation and national progress. Yet, entrepreneurs and business owners often grapple with challenges arising from policy complexities, suboptimal business structures, limited access to funding, and a need for continuous capacity enhancement. GEBOC recognizes these hurdles and envisions overcoming them through a united and strategic approach.


Our Objectives

The key objectives of the Ghana Entrepreneurs &
Business Owners Club are as follows:

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Policy Advocacy

Advocate for policy reforms that promote a conducive business environment, remove regulatory hurdles, and support entrepreneurship and innovation.
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Business Structuring

Provide guidance and resources for members to optimize their business structures, governance, and operational frameworks.
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Sustainable Funding

Facilitate access to funding sources by connecting members with investors, venture capitalists, and financial institutions that align with their growth plans.
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Collaborative Network

Foster a network of entrepreneurs and business owners that encourages collaboration, knowledge exchange, and shared learning.
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Capacity Building

Organize workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance members' skills, knowledge, and leadership capabilities.