Our Community

Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Coming together to support eachother.

Join our community by filling the form below
and choosing a Membership Package.

GEBOC Membership

Membership in GEBOC is open to entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals from diverse industries across Ghana. Members should share a commitment to the club's mission and actively contribute to its goals. Membership tiers will offer varying levels of access to resources, events, capacity building, and networking opportunities.

Membership Types & Fees

Here are three membership types for the Ghana Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Club (GEBOC), along with their corresponding benefits and annual fees:

Basic Membership: 100 Cedis

1. Access to selected networking events, seminars, and workshops organized by GEBOC.
2. Subscription to the club's newsletter with industry insights, business tips, and event updates.
3. Access to the online resource hub, including articles, templates, and tools for business growth.
4. Opportunity to attend pitch competitions and showcase your business ideas.
5. Access to the club's online community for networking and knowledge sharing.
6. Discounted rates for selected events and workshops.

Standard Membership: 300 Cedis

Benefits (in addition to Basic Membership):
7. Priority access and discounted spots at all networking events, seminars, and workshops.
8. Exclusive invites to standard members-only events and roundtable discussions with industry experts.
9. One-on-one mentorship matching with experienced entrepreneurs and business leaders.
10. Access to online forum for standard members, facilitating deeper connections and discussions.
11. Recognition on the GEBOC website as a standard member.
12. Enhanced visibility for your business through promotional opportunities at select GEBOC events.

Premium Membership: 1,000 Cedis

Benefits (in addition to Standard Membership):
13. Priority access to all GEBOC events, including premium events and workshops.
14. Personalized introductions and networking opportunities with key stakeholders and investors.
15. Exclusive access to closed-door sessions with renowned industry leaders and guest speakers.
16. Quarterly personalized strategy sessions with GEBOC advisors to assess and refine your business strategy.
17. Opportunity to lead or moderate workshops, sharing your expertise and enhancing your visibility.
18. Prominent recognition on the GEBOC website and promotional materials as a premium member.