Our Constitution

Constitution of the Ghana Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Club (GEBOC)

Have a Read and Abide by it.


We, the entrepreneurs and business owners of Ghana, in recognition of the immense potential and collective strength within our private sector, establish this Constitution to guide and govern the operations, objectives, and values of the Ghana Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Club (GEBOC). We are committed to fostering collaboration, policy influence, business excellence, capacity building, and sustainable growth for the betterment of our businesses, communities, and nation.

Article I: Name and Definition

Section 1:
The organization shall be known as the "Ghana Entrepreneurs & Business Owners Club" (GEBOC), hereinafter referred to as the "Club."
Section 2:
The Club is a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious association of entrepreneurs and business owners from various industries across Ghana.

Article II: Mission and Objectives

Section 1:
The Mission of GEBOC: The mission of the Club is to unite entrepreneurs and business owners to influence policy, enhance business structures, foster capacity building, and attract sustainable funding for the growth and prosperity of Ghana's private sector.
Section 2:
Objectives of GEBOC: The objectives of the Club shall include but are not limited to:
1. Advocating for policy reforms that promote a conducive business environment.
2. Providing resources and guidance for optimizing business structures and operations.
3. Empowering members through capacity-building programs, workshops, and mentorship.
4. Facilitating connections to funding sources and investors for business growth.
5. Fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking among members.

Article III: Membership

Section 1:
Membership Eligibility: Membership in the Club is open to entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals operating in various sectors across Ghana.
Section 2:
Membership Categories: The Club shall have different membership categories, each with distinct benefits and responsibilities.

Article IV: Governance

Section 1: Leadership Structure:
The Club shall have a Board of Directors consisting of elected members responsible for the strategic direction, governance, and oversight of the Club.
Section 2: Officers:
The Board shall elect officers including a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other necessary positions, each with defined roles and responsibilities.

Article V: Meetings and Activities

Section 1: General Meetings:
The Club shall hold regular general meetings to discuss matters of importance, share updates, and facilitate member interactions.
Section 2: Activities:
The Club shall organize workshops, seminars, networking events, and capacity-building programs to fulfill its objectives.

Article VI: Finance

Section 1: Funding:
The Club's funds shall primarily consist of membership fees, sponsorships, donations, event proceeds, and grants.
Section 2: Financial Accountability:
The Treasurer shall manage the Club's finances, maintain accurate records, and provide financial reports to the members.

Article VII: Amendments

Section 1: Amendment Process:
Proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors and approved by a majority vote of the members.

Article VIII: Dissolution

Section 1: Dissolution Procedure:
In the event of dissolution, the Club's assets shall be distributed for charitable purposes as determined by the Board, with the consent of the members.

Article IX: Ratification

Section 1: Ratification:
This Constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a general meeting.

Article X: Effective Date

Section 1: Effective Date:
This Constitution shall come into effect upon ratification.

Article XI: Interpretation

Section 1: Interpretation:
In the event of any ambiguity or conflict, the interpretation of this Constitution shall be guided by the Board of Directors.